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Pro-Tax Team

Valerie Skinner
My name is Valerie Skinner and I’m studying Environmental Science, Policy and Management at the University of Minnesota. As an environment major, I am in favor of the gas tax because I think it’s an effective way to wean the country off of fossil fuels, encourage the development of renewable energy, and decrease the budget deficit. Though high gas prices will negatively affect millions of Americans, I think it’s worth it in the long run.

Melody Zhang
Hi! My name is Melody Zhang. I am a sophomore at the U and my majors are Accounting and Management of Information System. I agree with the idea that gas price should be raised. Considering the environmental issues such as the Global Warm, I think it is time to strictly control gas prices to save the earth. At the same time, new tax return policies should be launched to adjust income and to encourage environmental friendly purchases.

Sara Wellenstein
 Hello there! My name is Sara Wellenstein and I am also a student at the University of Minnesota. At first when hearing about the gas tax, I wanted to fight it right away. After all, I am a poor college student. : / Hearing that the government would like to increase gas prices even more seemed absolutely ridiculous to me, as filling up at the pump hurts enough already. After reading some background information about the gas tax though, I have changed my opinion. If the government were to design the tax to fend off political objections such as an unfair burden on low income families, fuel intensive industries, and rural and suburban regions, I think it would be an excellent idea. This tax would help reduce the deficit, strengthen the dollar, improve the health of the population, and lead to greener lifestyles.

Anti-Tax Team

Julia Anderson
My name is Julia Anderson and I am a student at the University of Minnesota. I am currently arguing against the gas tax. Being that I commute about 25 miles to school and back every day. If it were to be that gas here in Minnesota were taxed more, I would have to pay much more to get my schooling. I also have a very large family and they live all over the United States, and if we want to keep visiting them, the gas prices can’t increase anymore than they already have. Be sure to watch out for the latest posts about the gas tax!

Cameron Willis

Hi, I am Cameron Willis, a Junior at the University of Minnesota.  I am opposed to further gas taxes at this point in time.  America's economy depends on semi-trucks and trains burning diesel fuel.  Raising taxes on this vital commodity would severely damage our economy and cause American industries to lose even more competitive advantage to foreign nations.  It would also put a greater squeeze on every American who needs to drive for his/her job.  I think that alternative, better fuels need to be developed for autos and trucks, but there is currently not a viable option for widespread use.