Friday, March 25, 2011

Should The Federal Gas Tax Be Increased?

With the ever growing budget deficit, politicians are searching for ways to raise revenue for the government. One of the suggestions made is to raise the federal gas tax. As of now, the federal gas tax profits go towards funding the Highway Trust Fund, which distributes money to pay for highways, bridges and other infrastructure projects. The last time Congress increased this tax was in 1993, when it was raised to 18.4 cents per gallon. As imagined, with time, this tax value goes down in impact and in order to account for inflation, Congress would have to raise the tax considerably. The question now is weather this would be a reasonable burden to place on American citizens with the gas price already approaching $4.00 in most states.

If you'd prefer to watch a video, here is a good link for a little more background information...

In this blog we will be debating both sides of the story. We invite you to take a look at the information we’ve found for reasons to be against increasing the Federal Gas Tax and reasons to be for increasing the Federal Gas Tax. For some more background information on the Federal Gas Tax, please feel free to visit the USDOT Federal Highway Administration’s website for a comprehensive history of the Federal Gas Tax.

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  1. This is really interesting! Thanks for posting the video!

  2. You guys are genius!! I love this blog!!
