Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Anti-Gas Tax and the Economy

Nobody enjoys being taxed, no sane person anyways! But, there are taxes that are necessary, but when do they stop? I want to discuss how the gas tax negatively affects our everyday life. The times have been hard for everyone, so saving money is good. But will the gas tax really help us save money? I don’t think so! There are many things that are not thought about when people discuss the gas tax. To start the discussion we will start right in your own pocket! How will the gas tax negatively affect the economy not only for the whole, but for you!?
An average American car gets around 22.4 miles to the gallon. This means that with the gas tax increase, and prices nearing $4 per gallon. This means that with the gas tax, I will have to pay a total of $4 per day just to get to school. On average, each American drives 29 miles per day according to the Research and Innovative Technology Administration Bureau of Transportation Statistics. When gas taxes increase, a big hole is made in all of our pockets.
Another reason that we think we should not raise the gas tax is because it decreases the amount of money that the actually gas station makes. When the customers have to spend more money on the gas, they have less money to spend on the things inside the store. The things bought from the store itself, is what helps them profit. The gas tax could lead to gas stations closing because they are not receiving much profit, where do we buy our gas then? This also could lead to a loss of jobs, where would these people be moved to? Now that they have no job, how do they get money to pay for gas? According to Save U.S. Energy Job, Obama’s Proposed Oil and Gas Tax Hikes to Cost U.S. Economy 154,000 Jobs in 2011! Does not it seem like in the long run an increase in the gas tax will be a chain reaction of bad events?
People say that we will become more dependent on other sources of transportation. But if you think about it, right now to ride a metro transit bus it cost $3 during rush hour. That’s the price with gas where it is at the moment, if we make a major increase in the gas tax, would not it make sense that the bus companies have to higher the bus fares as well? So will it actually be cheaper for us to take the bus? Or will every one still want to be on the road? Also, the gas tax will affect everyone. Everything that is transported takes fuel to get it on the shelf or to its owner. This means that if we increase the price of gas, there would have to be an increase in clothes, food, etc.
These are just some of the ways that an increase in the gas tax will affect the economy. There are more of course, it seems that there are always ways to complain about where our money goes to. But why would we need yet another one? As we have said, the gas tax leads to a chain reaction of price increases, all of which we can’t afford!


  1. this is so sweet and interesting. and this is sooo right

  2. Did you just cite two right-wing front groups and treat them like legitimate sources? Try again.
